22 May 2011

Soaking Yoga Season 汗だくヨガシーズン

Soaking Yoga Season has come. 
This morning I got up early and went go GGHT to have back workouts, such as Dead lift, Bent-over-raw and Chinning etc. It was really tough. Then I moved to GGSBT to join Ashtanga Yoga. 
It was was very humid in the studio. Everyone in the class was all of a sweat.
I felt really exhausted. Almost could not jump back in the end.
Weighs and Ashtanga Yoga in a raw might be too hard for me.



  1. As usual your enthusiasm at exercising your physique let me move to do my workout harder, but as I'm so lazy that I can not go from one GG to another a day for a Yoga lesson (^^;
    Please have a rest periodically to recover from your fatigue and keep you shape any time.

    Today, I exercised my legs a bit softer but with strict form and motion which let my muscles feel the weight precisely rather than ones with usual routines.
    Whichever weight I take, the problem is how the target muscle feels it by itself. But "Weight" always lures me into "a trap of weight" that I can not overcome easily.
    And maybe you also........


  2. >Zawa-san Thank you. I drunk up a bottle of Chabris this evening and completely well.
    I'm going to GGOT tomorrow night as well to have workouts and Yoga.
    Your training seems improving. Never lose weight from your muscle. That is most important but most difficult.
